A Thousand Threads

Tag: calligraphy

Two Months Out

a thousand threads / vintage post / calligraphy by neither snow

Two months. I’m not even sure what to say about two months. I can barely believe it, but this time we have left will be gone in the blink of an eye!

The past week has been full of little accomplishments and final touches: We picked out our rings and mailed our final invites, and now I think I can officially say that we we’re down to the details!

Here’s what our checklist is looking like, two months out…

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Friday Link Love

rylee hitchner paris wedding

Is it Friday already?

No really, I mean that.  I know it’s blasphemy… but my weeks have been flying by.  It really is hard to believe that another one is gone…

Not that I’m complaining.  Friday means we’re going camping, and since my love of toasty marshmallows knows no bounds, I can barely contain my excitement.  It should be nice to escape, turn off the phone, the computer, and take a deep breath.  Goodness knows I need it.

What are you up to this late summer weekend?  Big plans, or just planning to take a moment to relax?

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

Every single detail of this inspiring Paris wedding.

These gorgeous calligraphy Photoshop brushes.

This super pretty hair tutorial.

Kylee’s tips for better Instagram photos, I need to up my game!

Pretty statement necklaces.

Day 195.

Pretty lingerie.

Currently Obsessing Over: Calligraphy

Actually, it’s a little embarrassing just how much I’ve managed to obsess over calligraphy these past few months… something about this one little element of design manages to bring out the crazy like few things can.  Colors, materials, big letters, small letters… I tell you, I’ve found things to obsess about that no sane mind ever should.

But I’m happy to report that yesterday, I officially boxed everything up and sent it off!  Soon, our invitations will be ready to go, our place cards perfect, and our table numbers set.

Calligraphy is far from a requirement at any event, but I, for one, just can’t get enough of it.  I swear I would calligraphy everything if I could.

What about you?  Do you love it just as much?

And would you still obsess over the details?  Even though someone else is taking on the bulk of the work… and it’s basically guaranteed to be gorgeous, even if you don’t obsess at all?

Ya… that doesn’t work for me either.

Photos: 1, 2, 3-4, 5, 6

Currently Obsessing Over

Fabulous Lighting / Cozy Blankets / Styled Shoots / Gorgeous Calligraphy / Perfectly Placed Rugs / Colorful Flowers