Our Registry

registry / a thousand threads1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

We’ve tried hard to make it clear that the best gift our friends and family can give us is just to be there for us on our day (since just that will require almost all of them to travel, and we know that’s a lot) but we decided to set up a registry for anyone who might insist.

We’ve been adding to the collection over time, working slowly and throwing in a few things we need and a few that we’d just love to have.  When it turned out a lot of our dishes were cracking, we added some pretty new bowls.  When we ran out of candles, we realized it couldn’t hurt to add a few to the list.  It’s been a really easy way to tackle the big project that a wedding registry can become… and it’s worked out really well for us.  There are so many things to think about it the last few months of wedding planning that I’m thanking my stars we were able to get this one out of the way early and a little at a time.