Friday Link Love

rylee hitchner paris wedding

Is it Friday already?

No really, I mean that.  I know it’s blasphemy… but my weeks have been flying by.  It really is hard to believe that another one is gone…

Not that I’m complaining.  Friday means we’re going camping, and since my love of toasty marshmallows knows no bounds, I can barely contain my excitement.  It should be nice to escape, turn off the phone, the computer, and take a deep breath.  Goodness knows I need it.

What are you up to this late summer weekend?  Big plans, or just planning to take a moment to relax?

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

Every single detail of this inspiring Paris wedding.

These gorgeous calligraphy Photoshop brushes.

This super pretty hair tutorial.

Kylee’s tips for better Instagram photos, I need to up my game!

Pretty statement necklaces.

Day 195.

Pretty lingerie.