“Vendor Obsession” or “Desperately Seeking a Band”

by Laicie

Photo via Etsy

When it comes to this little thing called wedding planning, occasionally obsession will hit… at least, that’s the way it is for me.  I’ll go along, perfectly happy, ignoring the fact that I still need to find a multitude of vendors and then, snap… obsessed…

And when I say obsessed, I don’t mean an obsession with one specific thing… like one invitation suite or one bouquet… although that definitely happens too, especially with tools like Pinterest (and OMG lover.ly – which I finally received my invitation to this week!) … when I say obsession I mean something a little more like WHY IS THIS WEDDING NOT 100 PERCENT PLANNED NOW printers, bands, caterers need to find decisions make?!

… and yes, I do realize I am still over a year from the actual day.

BUT here’s the thing, we’re getting close to that one year mark and it’s starting to get real… the whole planning thing was all pretty blogs and pin boards up until this point.

I could kind of sit back and not stress on the wayward aspects of my planning process… but not now.  One year is the imaginary line in the sand that I drew for myself months ago… the moment when it all gets serious… and…

Okay, I just checked the calendar and the one year mark is still about a month away.  I don’t know how to justify it, the obsession thing just happens.

So, right now here’s what we have…

One gorgeous venue… made up of fairies and pixie dust and all things wonderful… to me.

One suuper amazing photographer who we booked almost immediately he’s that great.

One equally amazing baker that there is no way I could resist with a wedding in Los Olivos (who has agreed to make us a tres leches cake!)

aaand… that’s it.

We have two unbelievably inspiring filmmakers in the works… and one awe-inducing calligrapher (so excited for them all!) … along with a whole lot of printing and catering potential…

Like I said, this is obsession, so loads of potential is a-brewing as I furiously type out a million and one emails, and learn that finalizing a list of vendors actually comes with a whole lot more decisions than you might otherwise think… cue google life takeover and colossal decisions based on seemingly simple things like, “wedding invitation wording that doesn’t suck,” and “beef and chicken vs. beef and seafood” … a surprisingly difficult decision for a vegetarian bride (although my vegetarian-ism is sometimes questionable, so maybe a difficult decision all around).

It’s tough… but the really tough part has to do with those vendors who I have ZERO clue where to even start… #1 on the list being a band.

When it comes to a band, naturally our first choice was the Avett Brothers… but they’re booked you say?  So… where do we go from there…

To tell you the truth, I have no idea.  We’d like a folk-y, bluegrass-y type of band that will rock our little farmhouse party of 50 well into the night for a reasonable price (alternatively, we would so take this… but they’re a little out of our range on that second bit of criteria).

The problem is that most bands cool enough to fit the bill don’t tend to advertise for weddings… and those who do advertise for weddings are, well… I’m sorry, but not cool enough to fit the bill.  There are plenty of super-cool DJs out there, no problem finding those folks… but where does a gal look for an *actually good* wedding singer that doesn’t resemble Adam Sandler’s incarnation?

I haven’t quite figured that out, but if you have any suggestions my (currently obsessed) mind is more than all ears.