A Thousand Threads

Tag: food

Friday Already?

kt merry destination wedding

Time is flying by… but I’m excited for a special surprise I have planned for Mark’s birthday this weekend.  His birthday is actually on Halloween, so we’re celebrating a little early, but usually the day of is reserved for trick-or-treats and hot mulled cider with rum, running door to door with Austin and then handing out candy at our own… especially since this year it falls on a Wednesday.

Poor holiday babies never get to celebrate on their actual day… but that’s why we have to make this weekend extra special!

Hope you have a fantastic weekend yourself!  Tell me, what are you up to?

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

Speaking of destination weddings… this one is gorgeous.

I need these studded loafers in my life.

Tell me how I do this.

Also… oreo fudge.

… or maybe this salad, because it really does look delicious. (Do you feel like there’s a little devil and a little angel on your shoulder right now?  I do.)

This is a really cute DIY.

A Little Inspiration: Halloween in White

white halloween inspiration / a thousand threads1/2/3/4/5/6

The idea of decorating for Halloween in shades of white has always appealed to me.  I love white, and even more, I love anything unexpected.  Anything I can do to put a new spin on an old tradition is good with me.  How about you?

What’s your favorite holiday trend?  Or would you rather stick to tradition?

Happy (fried brain) Friday!

jose villa style me pretty shoot

Lately, my brain has taken to spontaneous combustion.  I’ve forgotten the date, the time, what it is I’m even talking about in the middle of a sentence… at this point I think it’s safe to say that wedding brain has taken over.

The thing is that it’s not just a wedding I have to prepare for, it’s also the fact that I’m about to leave… for 3 weeks… right in the middle of a busy political season (to put it lightly) and right in the middle of the holidays…

So, that said, this morning I thought it was Tuesday.

But I suppose my recent bout of forgetfulness just emphasizes how badly I need a night out… and tonight I’m planning to do just that.  My maid of honor has the whole evening planned and I can’t tell you how fantastic it feels to just be along for the ride.  Whatever the stress that comes with these final few weeks I have to say… the one thing I’m feeling more than anything is thankful that I have such amazing people in my life.

Here are a few things I’m loving…

This is pretty on a whole new level — I can’t wait to see the book.

Norman Seef.

These vegan cookies also count as breakfast — I’m sold.

There’s an app for that.


For those of you who love doughnuts just as much as I do.

How cute is this Halloween party?

These Halloween cards too.

Roasted Delicata Squash and Hazelnut Salad

roasted delicata squash and hazelnut salad / a thousand threadsroasted delicata squash and hazelnut salad / a thousand threads

So I mentioned that we’ve finally gotten on the health food track, right?

Well, relatively speaking. We cut out grains and most refined sugar and for once we’re really managing to stick to it… of course we can still have wine, dark chocolate, and cheese. I’m not gonna say we’re mostly living on cheese, but…

Okay occasionally we are eating some really healthy things, and discovering some new ones we never even knew existed (or maybe i just didn’t know you could eat them… they look so pretty in those harvest displays…) like delicata squash.

Read the rest of this entry »

Friday Link Love


Wow am I glad to see this super busy crazy week go.  I’m sure the next will be just the same (and on and on until the election…) but I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home with the guy I love.  Who knows, I might even drag him to a movie.

It’s kind of nice not to have any plans.

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

Okay, you can show up in my mailbox anytime now please.

What an amazing way to renew your vows.

Congratulations to James and her family on a new baby boy! (Named Sailor, is that the cutest?)

These shots make me long for an adventure.

This awesome bottle opener and resealer.

Do you change up your pillows in the fall?

With a little heavy cream?  I die…

… also now I want this.

Navy nails.

According to our iPhones

Trips to the farm, the fair, Nova Scotia, and NYC (oh, and a little bit of wedding planning too).  It’s been a busy couple of months.  Are you following along?

Hope everyone’s week is off to a good start (even if Tuesdays are kind of the worst).


Carrot Cake with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting

potluck / a thousand threadscarrot cake with maple cream cheese frosting / a thousand threads

All week, Mark has been going on about this thing at the farm. He wasn’t really sure what it was, but it was on Saturday, maybe in the evening. He thought it might involve food…

By Saturday, this whole thing was barely on my radar, but finally, the morning of, I got some answers. It turned out we were headed to a potluck.

So of course we all know I was excited. I’ve been rambling on about a potluck for months. I didn’t even mind the scramble to find something to cook (ah-hem).

Really though, the scramble just meant that I had a great excuse to fall back on a favorite.

If there is one blog I use as a constant resource (a cookbook more than a blog) it’s Smitten Kitchen. I’m sure it’s not news to most of you that Deb’s incredibly tasty, highly vetted collection is nothing short of amazing (I kind of want to steal all of her recipes… and while I’m at it, make off with her incredible storytelling skills). Not one of her recipes has ever let me down… and this one is no exception.

Of course… poor Mark, he may never look at a carrot the same again.

I totally buy in to the Julia Child quote “…nothing is too much trouble if it turns out the way it should.” So when Deb says you should grate the carrots by hand?

Well… I ask Mark to grate the carrots by hand.

Really, though… I’ve never made this cake with a food processor, so I can’t speak to the difference, but I believe wholeheartedly that the teeny tiny shreds of carrot you get when you use the small side of the cheese grater (and grate… and grate… and grate) allow for the truly incredible nature of this moist, mouth-watering, truly perfect carrot cake. If you’re looking for a recipe, seriously… stop with this one. It’s the best.

Happy Friday!

It seems that while I was out, fall crept in.  In fact, I’m slightly suspicious that it may have followed me home.  Hot humid days have given way to crisp fall mornings and the bluest of skies… and folks, that is just fine with me.

The only odd thing about fall in Frederick is that our county fair, which to me (have I mentioned I was once a fair and rodeo queen? that might be a story for another day) will always be synonymous with the hot summer sun, doesn’t take place until now.

But the more I think about it… caramel apples, apple dumplings, fried things on sticks… all of those things are totally appropriate for fall.  And the fair is always fun, no matter when you go.  Which if you’re us is multiple times (what? you don’t spend the whole week there?).

I hope you’re enjoying the crisp fall air and feeling the spirit as much as I am… it’s just about time to start firing up the apple cider and pulling out the pumpkins!  Not to mention the fact that it’s just about time for my wedding (!!).

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

This DIY couple’s Maine wedding and engagements.

The audience — who booed.

Five fresh (and yummy looking) fall salads.

Chelsea and Tec’s anniversary film.

Plums in wine and honey.

Jose, with a hasselblad, in Malaysia.

One last dose of summer.

Boxes and baskets — fall feels like a time for getting things organized.

Key Lime Meringue Tart with Shortbread Cookie Crust

Key Lime Meringue Tart with Shortbread Cookie Crust

Did you know that there’s really such a thing as a key lime?

(Florida natives shhh.)

Neither did I!

But hey… if you run on down to your local Wegman’s, they probably have them… because Wegman’s is just absurdly wonderful and has everything.  Even these adorably tiny little key limes.**

This weekend was nothing short of crazy.  Mark spent Saturday shooting a friend’s wedding, and I tagged along to fumble with the camera assist.  By the end of the (very hot) day we were spent, and still haven’t nearly recovered, but when we wandered by these little buggers on a Sunday supermarket run I just couldn’t resist.

Key lime pie is Mark’s favorite.  It had to be done.

So I switched up David Lebovitz’ Lime Merigue Tart with a shortbread cookie crust and went to it.

And I will say, even when I’m exhausted… key lime is totally worth the effort.

Key Lime Meringue Tart with Shortbread Cookie Crust

** Okay, okay… I know everyone doesn’t have a Wegmans, and obviously that’s not the only place you might be able to find these little guys… but if you find that you’re all out of luck, I promise, regular limes will work just fine.

Read the rest of this entry »

Who wants to have a potluck?

As the summer quickly fades (stop already, August!) I find myself more and more in need of a really good backyard BBQ.  Of course, Mark and I have only a little pittance of a back yard, so we might need to get creative, but never you mind… what I’m really craving is this…

These shots make me long for a potluck… good friends sharing their favorites.  How come those aren’t as popular as they used to be?  Just the word evokes images of June Cleaver dresses and JELL-O molds.

That’s right, with the big JELL-O letters those molds.

But maybe it’s time we brought it back.  And not just the practice, but the word.  Maybe it’s time we had a good old fashioned potluck.

Who’s in?

Photos: 1, 2-3, 4, 5-6, 7, 8, 9, 10