Happy Friday!

by Laicie

The Bowtie Life

Despite the fact that I am well on my way to my first official cold of the season… I am super excited to take a little trip down to Shenandoah this weekend.  There is just nothing like Skyline Drive when the leaves start to turn.  It might be a little early yet for full-on color — at least that’s where we are up north — but maybe (fingers crossed) that will mean a slightly less crowded park?

We will see!

Do you all have any special fall plans for this weekend?

If (like me) you’re already counting down to the end of the day, here are a few things to keep you busy…

Hands down… my favorite part of my day job.

Every single thing in the newly opened shop from Besotted Brand.

Okay, seriously, this is right up there on the list of funniest things I’ve ever read.

Borderline twee.”

I would really like to get into canning… I think I need this.

These gorgeous art deco-inspired invitations.

Caramel sauce favors at this super cute Oregon wedding.

This unreal amazing hard cider that is new to me.

If I had my way I would have at least 50 sets of china.