A Thousand Threads

Category: Link Love

Friday Already?

kt merry destination wedding

Time is flying by… but I’m excited for a special surprise I have planned for Mark’s birthday this weekend.  His birthday is actually on Halloween, so we’re celebrating a little early, but usually the day of is reserved for trick-or-treats and hot mulled cider with rum, running door to door with Austin and then handing out candy at our own… especially since this year it falls on a Wednesday.

Poor holiday babies never get to celebrate on their actual day… but that’s why we have to make this weekend extra special!

Hope you have a fantastic weekend yourself!  Tell me, what are you up to?

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

Speaking of destination weddings… this one is gorgeous.

I need these studded loafers in my life.

Tell me how I do this.

Also… oreo fudge.

… or maybe this salad, because it really does look delicious. (Do you feel like there’s a little devil and a little angel on your shoulder right now?  I do.)

This is a really cute DIY.

Happy (fried brain) Friday!

jose villa style me pretty shoot

Lately, my brain has taken to spontaneous combustion.  I’ve forgotten the date, the time, what it is I’m even talking about in the middle of a sentence… at this point I think it’s safe to say that wedding brain has taken over.

The thing is that it’s not just a wedding I have to prepare for, it’s also the fact that I’m about to leave… for 3 weeks… right in the middle of a busy political season (to put it lightly) and right in the middle of the holidays…

So, that said, this morning I thought it was Tuesday.

But I suppose my recent bout of forgetfulness just emphasizes how badly I need a night out… and tonight I’m planning to do just that.  My maid of honor has the whole evening planned and I can’t tell you how fantastic it feels to just be along for the ride.  Whatever the stress that comes with these final few weeks I have to say… the one thing I’m feeling more than anything is thankful that I have such amazing people in my life.

Here are a few things I’m loving…

This is pretty on a whole new level — I can’t wait to see the book.

Norman Seef.

These vegan cookies also count as breakfast — I’m sold.

There’s an app for that.


For those of you who love doughnuts just as much as I do.

How cute is this Halloween party?

These Halloween cards too.

Welcome to the Weekend!

gorgeous fall hair / a thousand threads

Today we had a long talk with our officiant, and I couldn’t help but think how surreal it all is.  We’ve been planning for this day for nearly a year and a half, but it’s always felt so far away… almost like the moment would never come.  But now we’re down to the final details, and not just the little ones… we’re talking about the marriage itself, and the reasons we want to be married at all… our background, our beliefs… everything that brought us to this place, and every little thing that makes us want to travel on.

And it’s kind of amazing… all of this is almost real.  I’m sorry to spill my sappiness all over you tonight but… you guys.  I really can’t wait.

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

Gorgeous fall hair (anyone know the original source of this awesome shot?).

These beautiful DIY save the dates.

Myra Callan of Twigs & Honey is making wedding gowns. (OMG)

You’re welcome.

Why women should stop trying to be perfect — thoughts?

Margaret Atwood’s 10 rules of writing.

I might be particularly partial because it was shot on the coast of Oregon, but this gorgeous little engagement shoot.

I really need to make me some granola.

Living and working with intention and supporting others who do the same.

Friday Link Love


Wow am I glad to see this super busy crazy week go.  I’m sure the next will be just the same (and on and on until the election…) but I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home with the guy I love.  Who knows, I might even drag him to a movie.

It’s kind of nice not to have any plans.

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

Okay, you can show up in my mailbox anytime now please.

What an amazing way to renew your vows.

Congratulations to James and her family on a new baby boy! (Named Sailor, is that the cutest?)

These shots make me long for an adventure.

This awesome bottle opener and resealer.

Do you change up your pillows in the fall?

With a little heavy cream?  I die…

… also now I want this.

Navy nails.

Friday Link Love

Rahkapiirakka Finnish Quark Pie

Finally — finally!! — Mark and I have gotten on a bit of a roll with our healthy eating… of course, that means that shots like the one above are quite literally beginning to kill me.  And we’re headed up to New York this weekend, where I will no doubt be faced with heaps of deliciousness at every turn.  I’m thinking the trick is to only have ten a few delicious things?

Okay it’s a plan.

Do you have anything planned for this weekend?

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

This Finnish “quark” pie that I’m dying to make immediately (and this beautiful blog that I didn’t know about).

Are you changing/did you change your name?

Oh my goodness these dresses, via Miss Moss.

Missing home.

Cutest recipe card ever.

Be mine please.

Plus!  In honor of the award I mentioned yesterday, I’d like to pass on the love.  There are so many more, but here are just a few of the lovely ladies who inspire me on a daily basis…

A Crimson Kiss, Hey Gorgeous, Little White Whale, His Little Lady, Emily Lunt, Kyla is Inspired, Beautiful Elysium, Caught on a Whim, The Book of Love, Hooray

If you don’t already know any of them, you should visit!

** And ladies, I’d love it if you’d tell us all about why you blog and pass on the love, but don’t feel pressured.  You’ve already done more than enough to deserve this award.

Happy Friday!

It seems that while I was out, fall crept in.  In fact, I’m slightly suspicious that it may have followed me home.  Hot humid days have given way to crisp fall mornings and the bluest of skies… and folks, that is just fine with me.

The only odd thing about fall in Frederick is that our county fair, which to me (have I mentioned I was once a fair and rodeo queen? that might be a story for another day) will always be synonymous with the hot summer sun, doesn’t take place until now.

But the more I think about it… caramel apples, apple dumplings, fried things on sticks… all of those things are totally appropriate for fall.  And the fair is always fun, no matter when you go.  Which if you’re us is multiple times (what? you don’t spend the whole week there?).

I hope you’re enjoying the crisp fall air and feeling the spirit as much as I am… it’s just about time to start firing up the apple cider and pulling out the pumpkins!  Not to mention the fact that it’s just about time for my wedding (!!).

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

This DIY couple’s Maine wedding and engagements.

The audience — who booed.

Five fresh (and yummy looking) fall salads.

Chelsea and Tec’s anniversary film.

Plums in wine and honey.

Jose, with a hasselblad, in Malaysia.

One last dose of summer.

Boxes and baskets — fall feels like a time for getting things organized.

The Moby-Dick Big Read

And in honor of our little adventure (actually a total coincidence, but I’ll take it) have you heard about this project? I can’t be the only one who thinks this is pretty amazing.

Each day until January, a new chapter of Moby-Dick, read by the likes of Tilda Swinton and John Waters, will become available for download. Philip Hoare’s project aims to bring the classic to a whole new generation who might not even think to read about Captain Ahab and his whale (as evidenced by the growing number of folks who have not, myself included).

And to complete the body of work, each chapter is paired with a corresponding piece of art, created specifically for the Big Read.

You can learn more about the project and its purpose here, and if you have a chance, listen to this great feature on NPR (totally worth it, but I’m warning you, the story will make you want to start listening right now).

I’ve had a real hankering to read/re-read a few of my favorite classics lately, and this might be just the way to start.

What do you think? Will you devote the time to sit down and listen to Moby-Dick? Or would you rather crack the spine of the classic in the flesh?

Happy Weekend!

doggy dress up

So… have I mentioned that I’m planning to run 12 miles through the mud and over obstacles this weekend? No?

No big deal. (I might cry.)

Seriously though, I’m generally pretty excited… and the best part of all of this is that the race means we have house guests and a ton of fun plans. So bring it on, muddy weekend… when it’s all over I’ll dress myself in a big furry blanket and jewels and make like the little fashionista above.

Here are a few things I’m loving…

Teddy (I’m convinced that Teddy loves his beautiful jewels and doesn’t feel at all ashamed… right, Teddy?).

I have to try this (and yes I already put the book on preorder… ❤ coffee).

Corn cakes with blackberry sauce.

Mike Song’s mom rocks.

This beautiful cottage.

So fascinating and useful.

1,001 ways to birth, and they’re all just fine.

Fashion week begins

Happy Long Weekend!

secret pool iceland

I swear to you, it’s the weirdest thing, but just taking a few minutes to set a really specific goal can make all the difference in the world.  Remember my lists?  Well I’m happy to say that over the past week and a half, I really do feel like I have been so much more productive!

I’m fully aware, of course, that it’s all a mind trip.  I made a conscious decision to be happy with each individual item I was able to check off my list, rather than strive for an empty slate, and ta-da!  Jedi power.

I’m not sure if it’s just that I have myself so completely fooled or if I really have gotten more done, but it really doesn’t matter.  I’m feeling a lot better about my accomplishments, and a whole lot better about myself, just in time for a nice long weekend.

Do you use any little mind tricks on yourself to accomplish your goals?

** Also, you guys, thank you for the big boost of confidence you have all given me this week.  Your comments have been so wonderful and supportive.  I hope you know just how much love I have for you all.  xoxo **

Here’s an extra long list for your extra long weekend…

That picture up there?  That is where I want to be this weekend.

This beautiful pottery.

Queen Elizabeth, rollin’ in her Range Rover.

Basically, this looks like the tastiest mimosa ever. Yum, Rhi!

I need to see this movie.

Pure. Genius. Lena, I die.

10 little things that will make you an exceptional client.

A refrigerator-free kitchen?

Emerson. Fry.

How to stage a strong comeback.

Girls, you have me so inspired to get organized this week!

I’m not sure I agree with everything in this article, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

Good advice.

I was really moved by these words (this is a little older, but I just came upon this blog this week, so it’s new to me… and maybe to you, too).

Friday Link Love

rylee hitchner paris wedding

Is it Friday already?

No really, I mean that.  I know it’s blasphemy… but my weeks have been flying by.  It really is hard to believe that another one is gone…

Not that I’m complaining.  Friday means we’re going camping, and since my love of toasty marshmallows knows no bounds, I can barely contain my excitement.  It should be nice to escape, turn off the phone, the computer, and take a deep breath.  Goodness knows I need it.

What are you up to this late summer weekend?  Big plans, or just planning to take a moment to relax?

Here are a few things I’m loving this week…

Every single detail of this inspiring Paris wedding.

These gorgeous calligraphy Photoshop brushes.

This super pretty hair tutorial.

Kylee’s tips for better Instagram photos, I need to up my game!

Pretty statement necklaces.

Day 195.

Pretty lingerie.